How's this for a coincidence? My wife and I were sitting on the front porch of an Inn in Kennebunkport, ME having our post-breakfast coffee when I spotted a firefighter's ball cap worn by the gentleman with his wife to my left. I start talking to him and mentioned Burn Boston Burn. He jumps up to shake my hand as he recognizes me as the author. Among many civil duties over the years, he is Deputy Chief of Noank FD, a village within Groton, CT. His wife, Dawn, bought Chief Chaffee Burn Boston Burn after he heard me speak virtually for the CT IAAI late last fall. It was great to meet them. See what being friendly & talking to strangers can lead to.
My second book, Bang! Boom! Burn!, short stories of gun, bombing and arson cases just went to the editor. Due out in Sept.
This Tuesday, 5/25 I am speaking on podcast In the Chill of the Night with retired ATF Special Agent (and so much more) Pete Gagliardi. Thursday, Chicago Fire Academy, and 6/9-10 for the WI IAAI.
Stay safe, talk to you soon.